Daryk Educational Group.
High School - Middle School - Academy
BSID# 882053
Licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Education
Upcoming Youth Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested to serve community by guiding and helping participant in different events,
let us know.
Volunteering Requirements:
If a volunteer is older than 18, he/she needs to have:
• A Police Reference Check
• A filled form of Volunteering
• A filled form of Photo consent
• 2 References
• Reasons of volunteering
Volunteering Forms:
1- Fill up these Forms
2- Email them back to school
3- Students and adults need to
fill the photo consent
4- You will be notified your schedule soon
Volunteer Opportunities
Join the Daryk team of volunteers and
make your contribution!
Get outdoors and earn high school volunteer hours!
High School Students
All high schools students must complete 40 hours of community involvement by the time they graduate from Grade 12. Some students may begin to accumulate volunteer hours in the summer between Grade 8 and Grade 9.
Why do students need 40 community hours?
Community hours encourages awareness of civic responsibility, and gives the students opportunities to make valuable contributions to their communities.
Graduation requirement
Encourage civic engagement
Valuable contribution to your community
Develop skills (e.g., communication, interpersonal)
Explore interests + Connection to pathway​
​​Community Involvement is designed to benefit the community​
Participants must be 14 years of age or older
Participants must be returning to a high school the following school year
Evening and weekend events in the spring, summer and fall
Full day events in the summer
Ineligible Activities
Activities that would normally be performed for wages by a person in the workplace
Activities during instructional/ class time within the school day
Required activities of a course where you earn a credit
Participating on school sports teams or clubs
Experiential learning (e.g. “Take Our Kids to Work Day”, job shadow, co-op)
Regular family responsibilities (chores)
Court ordered community service programs​​
Benefits For Students
Enhances self-confidence
Enhances self-esteem
Reinforces civic responsibility
Strengthens the community
Allows students to learn new skills
Students gain valuable work experience
Provides networking opportunities for future employment
must complete hours outside of class time
must not be part of a credit course
must be unpaid activities
must be completed by end of Grade 12
Adult Volunteer
If you are looking to have an opportunities to work as a volunteer in our school, please send your request with your resume via email.
We will get in touch with you in 2 business days.