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Visual Arts

Course Description

This course enables students to further develop their knowledge and skills in visual arts.

Students will use the creative process to explore a wide range of themes through studio work that may include drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking, as well as the creation of collage, multimedia works, and works using emerging technologies. Students will use the critical analysis process when evaluating their own work and the work of others. The course may be delivered as a comprehensive program or through a program focused on a particular art form (e.g., photography, video, computer graphics, information design).

The Final Grade

The evaluation for this course is based on the student’s achievement of curriculum expectations and the demonstrated skills required for effective learning. The percentage grade represents the quality of the student’s overall achievement of the expectations for the course and reflects the corresponding level of achievement as described in the achievement chart for the discipline.

A credit is granted and recorded for this course if the student’s grade is 50% or higher. The final grade for this course will be determined as follows:

  • 70% of the grade will be based upon evaluations conducted throughout the course. This portion of the grade will reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration will be given to more recent evidence of achievement.

  • 10% of the grade will be based on a Rich summative task administered in the last weeks of the course. This RST will be based on an evaluation of achievement from all four categories of the Achievement Chart for the course and of expectations from all units of the course.

  • 20% of the grade will be based on a final examination administered at the end of the course. This exam will be based on an evaluation of achievement from all four categories of the Achievement Chart for the course and of expectations from all units of the course. This exam includes well-formulated multiple-choice questions, long-answer type questions and an essay.

Teaching and Learning Strategies




Structured Discussions

Inquiry / Discovery

Practical Exercises


Problem Solving


Research Projects

Independent Study


Workshop / Field trips

Self/Peer Analysis

The Report Card

Student achievement will be communicated formally to students via an official report card. Report cards are issued at the midterm point in the course, as well as upon completion of the course. Each report card will focus on two distinct, but related aspects of student achievement. First, the achievement of curriculum expectations is reported as a percentage grade. Additionally, the course median is reported as a percentage. The teacher will also provide written comments concerning the student's strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps. Second, the learning skills are reported as a Needs Improvement, Satisfactory, Good and Excellent. The report card also indicates whether an OSSD credit has been earned. Upon completion of a course, DHS will send a copy of the report card back to the student's home school (if in Ontario) where the course will be added to the ongoing list of courses on the student's Ontario Student Transcript. The report card will also be sent to the student's home address.

Program Planning

Differentiated Instruction: Teachers will differentiate the strategies and tools used to assess students’ progress towards their learning goals in a way that enables each student to demonstrate his or her learning. Content will be differentiated so that achievable learning goals are identified for each student. Process will be differentiated so that a variety of instructional and management strategies engage all modalities. Similarly, achievement data will be gathered through various assessment tools in order to ensure that products are differentiated.

Education for Exceptional Students: A Student Success Plan (SSP) will be maintained for each student who is identified. The SSP outlines, as appropriate, any modified or alternative curriculum expectations and any accommodations (i.e., the specialized support and services) that are required to meet the student’s needs. The SSP also identifies the methods by which the student’s progress will be reviewed.

The Role of Technology in the Curriculum: The use of laptop technology has given students access to additional and powerful resources. Students have continual access to art specific software, such as Photoshop to edit, adjust, and manipulate images to be used as sources for artwork. It is also a useful support for digital photography, for editing, trimming and printing.

English Language Learners: This course is based on communicating effectively according to one’s abilities. This is a course that can be adapted easily for all learners without losing the challenge of the assignment given. This course also gives ELL students an opportunity to use English in the context of practical situations encountered in daily life.

Career Education: The knowledge and skills students acquire in Visual Arts are useful in preparation for a variety of fields in post-secondary education. References are made throughout the course to applications in architecture, illustration, fine arts, design, desktop publishing and layout artists. Students are made aware of these options and are encouraged to investigate areas of interest to them.

The Report Card

Student achievement will be communicated formally to students via an official report card. Report cards are issued at the midterm point in the course, as well as upon completion of the course. Each report card will focus on two distinct, but related aspects of student achievement. First, the achievement of curriculum expectations is reported as a percentage grade. Additionally, the course median is reported as a percentage. The teacher will also provide written comments concerning the student's strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps. Second, the learning skills are reported as a Needs Improvement, Satisfactory, Good and Excellent. The report card also indicates whether an OSSD credit has been earned. Upon completion of a course, DHS will send a copy of the report card back to the student's home school (if in Ontario) where the course will be added to the ongoing list of courses on the student's Ontario Student Transcript. The report card will also be sent to the student's home address.

Program Planning

Differentiated Instruction: Teachers will differentiate the strategies and tools used to assess students’ progress towards their learning goals in a way that enables each student to demonstrate his or her learning. Content will be differentiated so that achievable learning goals are identified for each student. Process will be differentiated so that a variety of instructional and management strategies engage all modalities. Similarly, achievement data will be gathered through various assessment tools in order to ensure that products are differentiated.

Education for Exceptional Students: A Student Success Plan (SSP) will be maintained for each student who is identified. The SSP outlines, as appropriate, any modified or alternative curriculum expectations and any accommodations (i.e., the specialized support and services) that are required to meet the student’s needs. The SSP also identifies the methods by which the student’s progress will be reviewed.

The Role of Technology in the Curriculum: The use of laptop technology has given students access to additional and powerful resources. Students have continual access to art specific software, such as Photoshop to edit, adjust, and manipulate images to be used as sources for artwork. It is also a useful support for digital photography, for editing, trimming and printing.

English Language Learners: This course is based on communicating effectively according to one’s abilities. This is a course that can be adapted easily for all learners without losing the challenge of the assignment given. This course also gives ELL students an opportunity to use English in the context of practical situations encountered in daily life.

Career Education: The knowledge and skills students acquire in Visual Arts are useful in preparation for a variety of fields in post-secondary education. References are made throughout the course to applications in architecture, illustration, fine arts, design, desktop publishing and layout artists. Students are made aware of these options and are encouraged to investigate areas of interest to them.

BSID# 882053

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