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Peer Tutoring

Our peer tutoring program allows Students to support each other. This is especially helpful to international students as they struggle to adapt to a new language and culture, as well as an unfamiliar learning environment.

High School

Students can now choose among schools and courses like never before. Students registered full time or part-time in a public, Catholic or private school anywhere in Ontario can sign up for a course at DHShool any time. International students can also sign up for a course at DHShool any time.

All the student needs is evidence that they have met the prerequisite for the course. The student does not need the permission of their current school because DHShool will communicate with their school to inform them of the registration.

The DHShool teacher is not focused on the disruptive student in the class or whether a student’s T-shirt is appropriate but rather is focused on guiding student learning through an individualized curriculum. This actually allows growth in the student-teacher interaction for all DHShool students as it tends to be more personal than in a traditional bricks-and-mortar classroom. Combine this with the outstanding teaching staff at DHShool , and it makes for an exciting time for student learning.

Flexible Courses

DHShool places the student in control. The school decides when they ‘come to school’, but can decide how much time to spend on their course work on any given day, when to pass in their assignments, when to write their unit tests and even where and when they will write their final exam. Students needing more time to practice their learning can choose to move slowly through their course whereas other students may move quickly through their course to remain engaged.

After the student finishes the final exam, the teacher will submit the report card to the main office which then issues the report card and Ontario Student Transcript (OST) to the student.

DHShool will also send a copy of both report card and the OST to the student's home school, where the course is added to the student’s ongoing record of courses on the OST.

BSID# 882053

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